Are you tired of not having enough money?
Do you feel like earning more money will help eliminate the financial pressure that you're feeling?
Do you want to earn more money, but are not sure of where to start?
If you're reading this, you probably know what it's like to be pulled in a million directions with constant demands from your kids, your job, your bank account, credit card statement, and so much more.
And you feel guilty because you wish that you could spend more time with your kids, be a more attentive and focused mom, and not allow the money stress to boil over into your interactions with your children. That guilt is eating you from the inside out.
But despite the stress and exhaustion, you continue to meet your children’s needs and do your best to plan meaningful family time together. You work hard to pay the bills, and find a little extra to do fun activities.
Having more time, saving, paying off debt, and working towards financial security is one of your deep desires, but how? With everything you’re balancing, you worry something’s going to fall through the cracks. That fear keeps you up at night.
Does any of this sound familiar?
✓ What would it be like if you had more time to spend with your children or to get a good night’s sleep because you aren’t awake stressing about money?
✓ What would it be like if you had more peace and energy to focus on your purpose instead of money stress?
✓ What would it be like if you finally had a map for your finances instead of starting and stopping or spending time spinning around in circles trying to figure out what works for you only to stress yourself out more?
Can you relate?
If you are stressed out about your finances, feeling overwhelmed and not sure where to start, then you need to know this…There is Nothing Wrong with YOU!
My Money Shame
I was working what I thought was my dream job in corporate finance. I frequently worked on multi million dollar deals, made six-figures per year, and represented the company at recruiting events and other outside company events. I even managed a $1B purchasing budget. However, despite my outward success, I was struggling financially because I didn’t know how to manage my own finances.
When I used my credit card, I would hold my breath because I was afraid it would get declined. Dining out felt particularly uncomfortable because I waited barely able to move, speak, or breathe for what seemed like eternity because I wasn’t sure if the server would come back to tell me my card was declined. I had a nice car, a nice home and travelled frequently, but I was drowning in student loan and credit card debt and at one point in time, as a grown woman, I even needed my parents to loan me money to buy groceries. I was struggling financially. I felt lost but felt the need to keep up appearances so I kept spending.
This overspending triggered feelings of shame and unworthiness. I couldn’t understand why I could manage a $1B budget, but couldn’t manage my own finances. I was tired of the financial stress that I was dealing with. I was tired of not knowing how I would pay my bills and if I would have enough at the end of the month.
Something had to change.
Therefore, I decided to change me.
That started with the decision to learn how to manage my money properly and once I learned how to do that, I then shifted my focus to earning more which ultimately allowed me to save $30,000 and ultimately build a $100,000+ investment account.
This is one of the reasons why I am so passionate about helping others financially. I knew I wasn’t the only one who was lost financially, drowning in debt, wondering where all my money went every month, and not know what to do to live a better, healthier financial life.
Everything Is Connected
You cannot overlook the effect of how your personal finances impacts every aspect of your life. The way you manage your personal finances, personal credit, and other areas of your life, are all connected.
Financial stress can lead to:
⛔️Increased inflammation in your body which can lead to health complications and even death.
⛔️ More yelling at your children which over time can destroy your relationship with your child and destroy their self-esteem
⛔️ Overspending, which can ruin your finances
⛔️ Losing yourself, your dreams, your goals, your sense of self-worth, and self-esteem
⛔️ Resentment towards your children, yourself, family, and others who you feel are “winning”
It doesn’t have to be this way.
Take steps toward a positive financial legacy for your children.
The steps you take today will have a ripple effect on your children and future generations.
It’s time to release stress and embrace the peace of mind that comes with taking control of your financial future.
Introducing the “How to Budget, Save, Invest, and Make More Money in 4-Week Course”
This is why I created the How to Budget, Save, Invest, and Make More Money in 4-Week Course.
- Are you ready to transform your finances?
- Are you ready to have a good night’s rest knowing your finances are secure?
This course is designed for you. This course will help you peel back the layers to understand how to move forward in achieving your financial goals.
In the How to Budget, Save, Invest, and Make More Money in 4-Week Course, you will learn how to manage and grow your money in a way that gives you peace of mind, more flexibility, and less stress. Then, as you begin to create healthier financial habits, you will begin to thrive and have more peace holistically.
I will teach you my 4-part strategy that will show you how to create a spending plan that is authentic and unique to you that allows you to do more of what you love. With this you will learn effective strategies to manage your money and keep more of the money that you generate.
Did you know that approximately 75% of Americans have less than $500 in their bank account? Not having a savings safety net can leave you exposed and feeling helpless when unexpected expenses arise. Learn how to establish a proper savings cushion to protect yourself in case of emergencies.
Discover the items you need in place to start investing and learn investment strategies to make money.
Make More Money
Identify additional revenue streams to increase income. Explore creative ways to make money, as an entrepreneur or through other opportunities.
Course Bonus
In addition to the course, you also receive access the 30-day Money Mindset and Finance Activation Guide. This Activation Guide will help you to clear out money mindset blocks, as well as activate and deepen the lessons that you will be learning in the course.
Course Curriculum
Meet Aisha
Aisha Taylor helps corporate moms create the financial foundations to support turning their idea to income so they can exit their full-time job, walk in purpose, and spend more time with their children.
As a mother of twins, this author, speaker, and strategic business consultant manages to balance it all while pursuing her purpose and passion. Featured in Black Enterprise, Jet Magazine, ESSENCE, and The Detroit Free Press, Aisha’s practical, transparent and motivational style leaves professional moms worldwide empowered to launch into a life of fulfillment and joy unspeakable.
Combined with her formal training from Duke University and The University of Michigan, corporate finance background, restructuring, strategic planning, managing a $1B corporate budget, coaching, and consulting, Aisha is more than a force to be reckoned with. Her strategic, faith-based approach to finance and entrepreneurship has catapulted numerous clients into financial security and full-time entrepreneurship.
For more information, booking, or questions about how you can create your exit strategy from corporate by turning your idea into income, visit or email [email protected].